Wicked Sick, (Rock) Martin

Kapela Wicked Sick vznikla niekedy začiatkom marca 2011 zo staršej formácie Danger of Being. Po vyhodení doprovodného gitarsitu M. Blaha z povôvodnej zostavy zostali štyria členovia: Stanley B. (lead vocal), Marky W. (bass), Andy Joker (lead guitar) a Marty (drums). Súčasne sa meno zmenilo na Wicked Sick. V tejto zostave kapela odohrala niekoľko koncertov a začala sa dostávať do povedomia na m artinskej hudobnej scéne. Po niekoľkých odohratých koncertoch sa kapela rozhodla nahrať demonahrávku. Rozhodnutie padlo na Pure Sound Studio v Žiline a koncom septembra 2011 sa začalo nahrávať. Nahrávanie bolo skomplikované niekoľkými problémami s bicími, ale nakoniec sa ho podarilo dokončiť a svetlo sveta uzrela prvotina EP Wicked Sick: …What the F@*k! . Z viacerých dôvodov, ktoré sa ukázali ako podstatné počas nahrávania sa Marty rozhodol kapelu opustiť, aby sa mohol naplno venovať štúdiu a súkromnému životu. Martyho teda na bicích nahradil Embo, u ktorého kapela zhodou okolností nahrávala. Embove bicie sa nachádzajú aj v skladbe Bad Attitudes na spomínanom EP. Po odohratí krstu fungovala kapela do semtembra 2012 zostave Stanley B. (lead vocal), Marky W. (bass), Andy Joker (lead guitar) a Embo (drums). V septembri 2012 z kapely odišiel bubeník Embo a nahradil ho bubeník Jake plus S Kapela v súčastnosti funguje v štvorzostave Stanley B. (lead vocal), Marky W. (bass), Andy Joker (lead guitar) a Jake plus S (drums). Veľa skladieb pochádza ešte z čias Danger of Being, ale mnoho z nich prešlo inováciami. Hudobne kapela lavíruje medzi, Hard-Rockom, Blues- Rockom a Punkom. V súčasnosti sa kapela venuje tvorbe nového materiálu a stále aktívne koncertuje... Takže víta vás kapela WICKED SICK! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- After the dismissal of M. Blaho from Danger of Being, the band was renamed to Wicked Sick at the beginning of March 2011, consisting of Stanley B. (lead vocal), Marky W. (bass), Andy J. (lead guitar) and Marty (drums). With this line-up the band performed on several concerts and got into the minds of musical scene of Martin. After several performances, the band decided to record a demo. The recording begun at the end of September 2011 in Pure Sound Studio in Žilina. The recording was complicated due to several problems with drums, however, at the end it was successful and their EP debut named: “…What the F@*k!” was born. Due to many reasons, which were found out to be significant during the recording, Marty has decided to leave the band, so that he can fully devote to his study and private life. Marty was replaced by Embo, (by whom the band was recording). Embos drumming is even present in the single Bad Attitude from the mentioned EP. After the christening the band remained unchanged until September 2012, the line-up being: Stanley B. (lead vocal), Marky W. (bass), Andy J. (lead guitar) and Embo (drums). Embo left the band in September 2012, and was replaced by Jake S. Bands present line-up is: Stanley B. (lead vocal), Marky W. (bass), Andy J. (lead guitar) and Jake S. (drums). A lot of songs originate from the days, when bands name was Danger of Being, even though most of them were innovated. Band considers its music to be somewhere amongst the Hard Rock, Blues-Rock and Punk. Nowadays the band is preparing some new material and actively performing … So the band WICKED SICK welcomes you! Vplyvy Guns n Roses, Velvet Revolver, Jimmy Hendrix Avanged Sevenfold a vela dalsich :)

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Wicked Sick